Sunday, July 7, 2013


We had almost 3 days in Edinburgh! It is such a great city with so much history! I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to travel in Europe. Edinburgh is alot smaller than London and it has a more medieval historical feel to it. While we are here we saw Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood Castle (the Queen's residence while in Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots Castle), Aurthur's Seat (which is a hill that we climbed), bagpipers, the statue of greyfrier's bobby and greyfrier's  pub and graveyard and lots more! We did a bus tour, walked the Royal mile (there is an old scottish folk song about it), ate haggis and heard lots of bagpipes!

A packet of Haggis!

Amber and the Piper

Our Robertson Clan's tartan and a bit of wee history!

I found another highland dancer! :)

Loretta, Jess and Amber outside Edinburgh Castle

I think we are walking down the Royal Mile

Holyrood Castle

The Statue of Greyfriar's Bobby! He was such a loyal little dog!

You could climb this strange Medieval tower for only 4 pounds! We didn't do it thought, but it looked like fun.

Edinburgh Castle is built on top of a giant rock!

At the end of the Royal Mile

Aurther's Seat is behind us!

At the top of Aurthur's Seat!

Edinburgh - a beautiful place!


  1. Wow fantastic Scotland do you feel at home there I think our ancestors may have come from Perth area Duncan and Isabella Robertson married there before they headed out to Australia

  2. We feel so at home here!It is such an amazing place to visit. That's interesting info about our ancestors!
