Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Michigan Adventures!

We have been staying with our friends the Zielinskis in Michigan! It has been so much fun over the past few weeks. We have been to four baseball games, eaten hot dogs, visited Mackinac Island (which is an Island at the very top of Michigan and is located in Lake Heron), and also Chicago (the windy city!) and have made many new friends!

Going to our first ever baseball game with friends!

The lovely Zielinski Home where we are staying.

Sophia, Champ and Chris

Helping out at a Loons baseball game!

More baseball!

Loretta's Birthday!

Our Nancy Drew Movie! A bit of fun!

The Villains


Annie and I on Mackinac Island.

Riding bikes on the Island was a lot of fun! It took us 1hr and 14 mins to ride around the whole island.

Feeling the water in Lake Heron.
Jean (the Zielinskis Grandma), Liz, Annie, Jess, Sophia, Loretta, Lindsey and Chloe

The American Flag. It's interesting to see in hanging outside a lot of peoples homes!

Travelling to Mackinac Island

The Z girls!

The Grand Hotel - Where they filmed the movie "Somewhere in Time."

At the Mackinac Fort

The houses on Mackinac Island. Aren't they so cute!

A Mackinac Island Family

The Mackinac Army!

There are no cars on Mackinac Island the only mode of transport is by bike, horse and buggy or just walking.

The Grand Hotel

Inside the hotel

Near the Esther Williams pools

With Dick Tracey in Naperville

The Willis Tower (the tallest in Chicargo) we when right to the top of it!

At the very top!

We could see below us!


At Panera Bread for Lunch

At the giant Bean in Chicargo.

The Water tower - the only building to survive the Chicargo fires.
In the American doll shop. A new experience for an Aussie!

Jess and Retta

The Navy Pier
With Chloe on a Ferris Wheel at the Navy Peir, Chicargo.

Jess, Annie, Gid, Mark, Liz, Chloe and Loretta
The Zielinski's
Katy, Liz and Annie
Gid, Mark and Tom
Jess and her new friend Fritz

Friends - Gid, Liz, Chlo, Jess, Annie, Mark and Loretta

1 comment:

  1. Such great memories! What fun adventures we had. :)
